Variadic functions
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Variadic functions are functions (e.g. std::printf) which take a variable number of arguments.
目录 |
[编辑] 用法
要声明一个可变参数函数,省略号作为最后一个参数,例如: int printf(const char *format, ...);。通过一个可变参数的函数的参数,可以使用下面的宏和类型的访问
To declare a variadic function, an ellipsis is used as the last parameter, e.g. int printf(const char *format, ...);. Parameters passed to a variadic function can be accessed using the following macros and types:
<cstdarg> 中定义 | |
带可变参数函数的参数可以访问 原文: enables access to variadic function arguments (函数宏) | |
访问下一个可变参数函数的参数 原文: accesses the next variadic function argument (函数宏) | |
(C++11) |
makes a copy of the variadic function arguments (函数宏) |
结束遍历可变参数函数的参数 原文: ends traversal of the variadic function arguments (函数宏) | |
持有所需的信息,由va_start中,va_arg时,va_end,并va_copy 原文: holds the information needed by va_start, va_arg, va_end, and va_copy (类) |
[编辑] 默认的转换
当一个可变参数函数被调用后,左值,右值,数组,指针,函数指针转换,每个参数是可变参数列表的一部分进行额外的转换被称为“默认参数促销” ',
When a variadic function is called, after lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer 转换, each argument that is a part of the variable argument list undergoes additional conversions known as default argument promotions:
Only arithmetic, enumeration, pointer, pointer to member, and class type arguments are allowed.
[编辑] 替代品
- 可变参数模板,也可用于创建功能,采取可变数目的参数。他们往往是更好的选择,因为他们不限制类型的参数,不执行整数和浮点的促销活动,并且是类型安全的。 (C++11 起)原文:Variadic templates can also be used to create functions that take variable number of arguments. They are often the better choice because they do not impose restrictions on the types of the arguments, do not perform integral and floating-point promotions, and are type safe. (C++11 起)
- 如果所有可变的参数都有一个共同的类型,std::initializer_list访问变量参数提供了一个方便的机制(尽管用不同的语法).原文:If all variable arguments share a common type, a std::initializer_list provides a convenient mechanism (albeit with a different syntax) for accessing variable arguments.
[编辑] 示例
#include <iostream> #include <cstdarg> void simple_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); while (*fmt != '\0') { if (*fmt == 'd') { int i = va_arg(args, int); std::cout << i << '\n'; } else if (*fmt == 'c') { // note automatic conversion to integral type int c = va_arg(args, int); std::cout << static_cast<char>(c) << '\n'; } else if (*fmt == 'f') { double d = va_arg(args, double); std::cout << d << '\n'; } ++fmt; } va_end(args); } int main() { simple_printf("dcff", 3, 'a', 1.999, 42.5); }
3 a 1.999 42.5