C++ 语言
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目录 |
[编辑] 基本概念
[编辑] 预处理器
[编辑] 注释
[编辑] 关键字
[编辑] ASCII码表
[编辑] 转义序列
[编辑] C++历史
[编辑] 程序流控制
[编辑] 条件执行语句
Conditional statements execute different code paths according to the value of given expression.
[编辑] 迭代语句
Iteration statements execute a code path multiple times.
[编辑] 跳转语句
Jump statements continue program execution at a different location.
- break结束的封闭循环
[编辑] 函数
The same code can be reused at different locations in the program.
- 函数声明 声明函数原文:function declarations declare functions
- 函数模板 声明函数模板原文:function templatesdeclare function templates
- 内联限定符提示编译器将函数体直接插入到调用代码处原文:inline specifier hints that the compiler insert a function's body directly into the calling code
- 异常规范宣布,该函数将引发特定的异常(已弃用)原文:exception specifications declare that a function throws only specific exceptions (已弃用)
- noexcept说明声明或不是一个函数是否抛出任何异常(C++11 起)原文:noexcept specifier declares whether or not a function throws any exceptions (C++11 起)
[编辑] 异常
Exceptions are a more robust way to signal error condition than function return codes or global error variables.
- throw表达式信号错误和错误处理程序将控制权转移原文:throw expressions signal errors and transfer control to error handlers
- try-catch块从特定的代码块捕获异常原文:try-catch blocks catch exceptions originating from specific blocks of code
[编辑] 命名空间
Namespaces provide a way to prevent name clashes in large projects.
- 命名空间声明 声明命名空间原文:namespace declarationsdeclare namespaces
- 命名空间别名 为已经存在的命名空间声明作为替代的名称原文:namespace aliases declare alternate names for existing namespaces
[编辑] 类型
- 基本类型 定义基本的字符型,整型和浮点类型原文:fundamental types define basic character, integer and floating point types
- 指针类型 定义一个存储内存位置的类型原文:pointer types define types holding a memory location
- compound types 定义有几个数据成员(本质上是相同的“类”)的类型原文:compound types define types that hold several data members (essentially the same as class)
- 枚举类型定义类型能够保持只有一个指定的值原文:enumeration types define types that are able to hold only one of the specified values
- 联合类型定义,可容纳数表示的数据的类型原文:union types define types that can hold data in several representations
- 函数类型定义函数调用签名,那是类型的参数和返回类型原文:function types define function call signatures, that is the types of arguments and the return type
- decltype说明相当于一个表达式(C++11 起)类型定义了一个类型原文:decltype specifier defines a type equivalent to the type of an expression (C++11 起)
[编辑] 限定符
- cv限定符指定类型的常量性和波动性原文:cv specifiers specify constness and volatility of types
- 存储时间说明符指定类型的存储时间原文:storage duration specifiers specify storage duration of types
- constexpr说明指定的变量或函数的值可以在编译时(C++11 起)计算原文:constexpr specifier specifies that the value of a variable or function can be computed at compile time (C++11 起)
- 自动符指定的表达,分配给变量(C++11 起)的实际类型应定义原文:auto specifier specifies that the actual type shall be defined from the expression, assigned to the variable (C++11 起)
- alignas说明指定的变量的存储空间应保持一致的具体数额(C++11 起)原文:alignas specifier specifies that the storage for the variable should be aligned by specific amount (C++11 起)
[编辑] 初始化
Whenever a named variable is declared, and whenever a temporary object is created, the initial value of the new object is provided through one of the following mechanisms:
- 默认的初始化发生时没有初始化原文:default initialization occurs when no initializer is provided
- 值初始化发生时的初始值是一个空的括号原文:value initialization occurs when the initializer is an empty set of parentheses
- 零初始化 初始化的对象的每一个位到零原文:zero initialization initializes every bit of the object to zero
- 复制初始化 初始化一个对象从另一个对象原文:copy initialization initializes an object from another object
- 直接初始化 提供初始值或构造函数的参数列表中,在括号中原文:direct initialization provides the initial value or the list of constructor arguments, in parentheses
- 集合初始化 没有构造一个数组或结构的每一个成员提供初始值原文:aggregate initialization provides initial values to every member of an array or a struct without a constructor
- 表初始化 提供了一个任意长度的值列表,它可以初始化一个std::vector或std::map(C++11 起)原文:list initialization provides an arbitrary long list of values, which can initialize a std::vector or std::map (C++11 起)
- 常数初始化 恒定的静态对象初始化之前任何东西原文:constant initialization initializes all constant static objects before anything else
- 参考电压的初始化 绑定对象的引用,延长寿命临时原文:reference initialization binds references to objects and extend the lifetimes of the temporaries
[编辑] 常值
Literals are the tokens of a C++ program that represent constant values, embedded in the source code.
- 整数文字是十进制,八进制或十六进制数字的整数类型.原文:integer literals are decimal, octal, or hexadecimal numbers of integer type.
- 字符串文字的字符序列,这可能是狭隘的,多字节或宽原文:string literals are sequences of characters, which may be narrow, multibyte, or wide
- 用户自定义的文字用户指定的类型是恒定值(C++11 起)原文:user-defined literals are constant values of user-specified type (C++11 起)
[编辑] 表达式
An expression is a sequence of operators and operands that specifies a computation. An expression can result in a value and can cause side effects.
- 价值类型(左值,右值,glvalue,prvalue,xvalue)分类表达它们的值原文:value categories (lvalue, rvalue, glvalue, prvalue, xvalue) classify expressions by their values
- 为了评价的参数和子表达式指定的顺序在中间结果原文:order of evaluation of arguments and subexpressions specify the order in which intermediate results are obtained
Common operators | ||||||
分配 | incrementNJdecrement | 算术 | 合乎逻辑的 | 比较 | memberNJaccess | 其他 |
a = b |
++a |
+a |
!a |
a == b |
a[b] |
a(...) |
Special operators | ||||||
- 运算符的优先级 定义运营商绑定的顺序,他们的论点原文:operator precedence defines the order in which operators are bound to their arguments
- {{tr| 另一种表示形式其他一些运营商的拼写 |<div class="t-tr-text"> alternative representations</div> are alternative spellings for some operators原文:{{{2}}}这段文字是通过 [http://translate.google.com Google Translate] 自动翻译生成的。
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[编辑] 实用工具
- typedef声明创建同义词的类型原文:typedef declarations create synonyms for types
- 键入别名报关单创建同义词的类型原文:type alias declarations create synonyms for types
- 标准的转换的隐式转换为另一种类型原文:standard conversions implicit conversions from one type to another
转换 -
转换 -
转换 -
转换 - 显式转换转换使用C风格的转换符号和功能符号原文:explicit cast conversion using C-style cast notation and functional notation
- 新的表达动态分配内存原文:new expression allocates memory dynamically
- 删除的表情动态地释放内存原文:delete expression deallocates memory dynamically
[编辑] 类
类提供了面向对象编程的概念在C + +
Classes provide the concept of object-oriented programming in C++.
- 类的声明声明类
pointer links to the current instance of a class in member methods - 访问符确定类成员的可见性原文:access specifiers determine visibility of class members
- 朋友说明授予访问权限的私有/受保护的部分非会员的类或函数原文:friend specifier grants access privileges to private/protected parts for non-member classes or functions
- 初始化列表初始化类成员的数据原文:initializer lists initialize class member data
[编辑] 类特定的功能特性
- 虚函数的说明声明一个函数是虚拟的原文:virtual function specifier declares that a function is virtual
- 覆盖说明声明一个虚函数重写另一个虚拟function.(C++11 起)原文:override specifier declares that a virtual function overrides another virtual function.(C++11 起)
- 最后说明声明一个虚函数不能被覆盖一个继承class.(C++11 起)中原文:final specifier declares that a virtual function can not be overridden in a inheriting class.(C++11 起)
- 明确的功能说明声明构造函数或转换运算符不能用于隐式转换(C++11 起)原文:explicit function specifier declares that a constructor or conversion operator can not be used in implicit conversions (C++11 起)
- 静态函数说明声明一个函数不使用类的数据原文:static function specifier declares that a function does not use class data
- CV功能说明声明一个成员函数只能用于品种限定对象原文:cv function specifier declares that a member function can only be used on cv qualified objects
[编辑] 特殊的成员函数
- 默认构造函数 初始化的对象默认内容原文:default constructor initializes the object with default contents
- copy constructor初始化的对象与另一个对象的内容原文:copy constructor initializes the object with the contents of another object
- 移动的构造函数初始化其他临时对象的内容的对象,最大限度地减少复制开销(C++11 起)原文:move constructor initializes the object with the contents of other, temporary object, minimizing copying overhead (C++11 起)
- 赋值运算符替换的对象与另一个对象的内容的内容原文:assignment operator replaces the contents of the object with the contents of another object
- 移动赋值运算符替换其他临时对象的内容的对象的内容,最大限度地减少复制开销(C++11 起)原文:move assignment operator replaces the contents of the object with the contents of other, temporary object, minimizing copying overhead (C++11 起)
- 析构函数版本声称资源原文:destructor releases claimed resources
[编辑] 模板
Allows functions and classes to operate on generic types
- 类模板声明声明一个类模板原文:class template declaration declares a class template
- 函数模板的声明声明一个函数模板原文:function template declaration declares a function template
- 模板特化定义了一个现有的用于特定类型的模板原文:template specialization defines an existing template for a specific type
[编辑] 优化
- 因为如果规则 可以不改变任何代码转换的输出原文:The as-if rule allows any code transformation that doesn't change the output
- 复制省略 ,包括RVO和NRVO,使传递的值在许多情况下,首选的方法.原文:Copy elision, including RVO and NRVO, makes pass-by-value the preferred approach in many situations.
- 空基类优化 多重继承,接口或策略类的开销,并须为标准布局类型.原文:Empty base optimization makes multiple inheritance from interfaces or policy classes overhead-free and is required for standard-layout types.
[编辑] 杂项
- 内联汇编允许使用的汇编代码,,沿着C + +代码原文:Inline assembly allows the use of assembly code alongside C++ code