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在头文件 <fstream> 中定义
template< class charT, |
is a std::basic_streambuf whose associated character sequence is a file. Both the input sequence and the output sequence are associated with the same file, and a joint file position is maintained for both operations.函数下溢()和溢出()/同步()执行实际的I / O之间的文件和get和put的缓冲。
The functions underflow() and overflow()/sync() perform the actual I/O between the file and the get and put areas of the buffer. When
is not char, most implementations store multibyte characters in the file and a std::codecvt facet is used to perform wide/multibyte character conversion.常见的字符类型也定义两个专业
Two specializations for common character types are also defined:
<streambuf> 中定义 | |
Definition |
basic_filebuf<char> |
basic_filebuf<wchar_t> |
[编辑] 会员类型
Definition |
CharT |
Traits |
Traits::int_type |
Traits::off_type |
[编辑] 成员函数
| |
构建了一个basic_filebuf对象 (公共成员函数) | |
(C++11) |
分配一个basic_filebuf的对象 (公共成员函数) |
(C++11) |
交换两个basic_filebuf对象 (公共成员函数) |
解构一个basic_filebuf对象,如果它是开放的,并关闭该文件 原文: destructs a basic_filebuf object and closes the file if it is open (公有虚成员函数) |
checks if the associated file is open (公共成员函数) | |
打开一个文件,并将其配置为相应的字符序列 原文: opens a file and configures it as the associated character sequence (公共成员函数) | |
冲放区的缓冲区和关闭相关的文件 原文: flushes the put area buffer and closes the associated file (公共成员函数) | |
| |
任选地提供可用于从文件中输入的字符数 原文: optionally provides the number of characters available for input from the file (虚拟保护成员函数) |
读取相关的文件 (虚拟保护成员函数) |
在get区读取相关文件和进步的下一个指针 原文: reads from the associated file and advances the next pointer in the get area (虚拟保护成员函数) |
放回中的字符的GET区,不影响相关的文件 原文: puts back the character in the get area, not affecting the associated file (虚拟保护成员函数) |
认沽区相关的文件中写入字符 原文: writes characters to the associated file from the put area (虚拟保护成员函数) |
为用户提供的缓冲或无缓冲将这个filebuf 原文: provides user-supplied buffer or turns this filebuf unbuffered (虚拟保护成员函数) |
重新定位文件位置,用相对寻址 原文: repositions the file position, using relative addressing (虚拟保护成员函数) |
重新定位文件的位置,使用绝对寻址 原文: repositions the file position, using absolute addressing (虚拟保护成员函数) |
认沽区相关的文件中写入字符 原文: writes characters to the associated file from the put area (虚拟保护成员函数) |
改变相关的语言环境 (虚拟保护成员函数) |
[编辑] 非成员函数
专业的std::swap算法 (函数模板) |
Inherited from std::basic_streambuf
Member types
Definition |
CharT |
Traits |
Traits::int_type |
Traits::pos_type |
Traits::off_type |
Member functions
解构的basic_streambuf的对象 原文: destructs the basic_streambuf object ( std::basic_streambuf 的公有虚成员函数)
| |
调用imbue() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
获得相关的区域设置的副本 原文: obtains a copy of the associated locale (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
| |
调用setbuf() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
调用seekoff() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
调用seekpos() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
调用sync() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
| |
立即可用的字符在get区域获得的数目 原文: obtains the number of characters immediately available in the get area (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
,然后输入序列读取一个字符,再没有前进 原文: advances the input sequence, then reads one character without advancing again (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
读取一个字符的输入序列和垫款序列 原文: reads one character from the input sequence and advances the sequence (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
stossc (已弃用) |
输入序列,如果通过调用sbumpc()和丢弃的结果 原文: advances the input sequence as if by calling sbumpc() and discarding the result (公共成员函数) |
读取从输入序列中的一个字符,而不推进序列 原文: reads one character from the input sequence without advancing the sequence (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
调用xsgetn() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
| |
写入一个字符,把区域和进步的下一个指针 原文: writes one character to the put area and advances the next pointer (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
调用xsputn() (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
| |
把输入序列中的一个字符 原文: puts one character back in the input sequence (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
输入序列中的背面由一个移动的下一个指针 原文: moves the next pointer in the input sequence back by one (公共成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
Protected member functions
构建了一个basic_streambuf的对象 (受保护的成员函数) | |
(C++11) |
替换一个basic_streambuf的对象 (受保护的成员函数) |
(C++11) |
掉期2 basic_streambuf的对象 (受保护的成员函数) |
| |
改变相关的语言环境 (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
取代缓冲区与用户定义的数组,如果允许的话 原文: replaces the buffer with user-defined array, if permitted (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
重新定位在输入序列中的下一个指针,输出序列,或两者,使用相对寻址 原文: repositions the next pointer in the input sequence, output sequence, or both, using relative addressing (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
重新定位在输入序列中的下一个指针,输出序列,或两者都使用绝对寻址 原文: repositions the next pointer in the input sequence, output sequence, or both using absolute addressing (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
同步缓冲区关联的字符序列 原文: synchronizes the buffers with the associated character sequence (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
| |
获得供在相关联的输入序列中输入的字符数,如果已知的话 原文: obtains the number of characters available for input in the associated input sequence, if known (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
相关的输入序列读取字符的get区 原文: reads characters from the associated input sequence to the get area (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
相关的输入序列读取字符的get区和进步的下一个指针 原文: reads characters from the associated input sequence to the get area and advances the next pointer (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
读取从输入序列中的多个字符 原文: reads multiple characters from the input sequence (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
返回一个指针,开始的时候,当前的字符和结束的get区 原文: returns a pointer to the beginning, current character and the end of the get area (受保护的成员函数) | |
在输入序列中的下一个指针前进 原文: advances the next pointer in the input sequence (受保护的成员函数) | |
重新定位的开始,接着,和结束指针的输入序列中 原文: repositions the beginning, next, and end pointers of the input sequence (受保护的成员函数) | |
| |
writes multiple characters to the output sequence (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
相关的输出序列中写入字符认沽区域 原文: writes characters to the associated output sequence from the put area (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )
开始的时候,当前的字符和结束的认沽返回一个指针 原文: returns a pointer to the beginning, current character and the end of the put area (受保护的成员函数) | |
进步的输出序列中的下一个指针 原文: advances the next pointer of the output sequence (受保护的成员函数) | |
重新定位的开始,接着,和结束指针的输出序列 原文: repositions the beginning, next, and end pointers of the output sequence (受保护的成员函数) | |
| |
将一个字符返回到输入序列中,有可能修改的输入序列中 原文: puts a character back into the input sequence, possibly modifying the input sequence (虚拟保护成员函数of std::basic_streambuf )