Beginners - September 2014

My first RegExp
Hello! Why doesn't my program search "Ben"? #include <regex> #include <string> #include <...
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges, it works fine in VSC++2010! Thank you for showing mistakes a... (by Observer)
using new and delete causing program to crash?
Why is this code causing my program to crash? Also, if anyone could clarify how do I use new key...
[4 replies] Last: Okay my friend, thank you so much :) (by bryan177mcsc)
No instance of overloaded function and cannot convert argument 2 from int * to int
Hi, i'm currently in my 2nd computer science class in college. I have been writing a program that is...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, you still haven't got it. All you need to do is replace 3 lines ... (by kemort)
by c00012
Invalid Null Pointer
Hello Guys, First of all, I'm glad to meet you in this forum. I wrote a code to input name in ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for all suggestion. I'll do as you guys suggested and I'll let ... (by c00012)
by Jon15
Leibniz series with newton raphson loop
I need to write a program that asks the user for the desired accuracy that they wish to calculate pi...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, how do i apply a series to the equation for pi? (by Jon15)
Prime number program with a given interval issues
nevermind, got it.
[2 replies] Last: you should leave your post alone next time you solve to save it as a r... (by novellof)
How can print list link
i have a program about list link, but after input data into a Node, then i can't print data, that i ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { int info... (by kemort)
How I got MySQL Connector to compile statically on Debian
I spent an entire day getting the flags right, mostly because I didn't know about some of them. This...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. For me, pkg-config has suspiciously few packages in its list;... (by nan0hard)
Operand >> illegal
Trying to find which section has a higher average from 2 existing files (notepads)then writing the r...
[4 replies] Last: Never mind, i got how to solve it (by jado765)
by f8al
C++ Substring
Hello, thanks for the pervious help in the past. You guys helped me so much I am trying make a algo...
[3 replies] Last: The one you use is size_t find (const string& str, size_t pos = 0) co... (by Smac89)
Help with roguelike Game
I have a function that is supposed to check whether or not the character can pass through a point on...
[1 reply] : bool isPassable(int x, int y) { int value = map map is probab... (by Disch)
Need help with a random number generator function.
I need to come up with a program that will randomly generate a number within the range of a user-inp...
[8 replies] Last: This is how I do it, and it works well: int randInt(int a, int b) {... (by Toby12600)
Why are type aliases useful?
From what I understand, using the keyword typedef is basically giving a valid type a different name....
[3 replies] Last: 1) typedef are important for updating a software program for example ... (by novellof)
variables question
I am working on a project that is a calculator. I have the project done, but am trying to tweak the...
[4 replies] Last: Use operator bool instead of good() member function. .good() sho... (by MiiNiPaa)
Debug check with cout, storage class type specifier
Is there a way I can do this and get around the "no storage class or type specifier" error? #i...
[1 reply] : You cannot place statements like that in the global scope; when would ... (by Zhuge)
Asking for number and output a character
How would I go about asking the user for a number and outputting a * corresponding to that number. F...
[2 replies] Last: it couldn't be easier than that. (by shadowCODE)
by leo255
Decimal to Hex Conversion - Not getting correct output
Hi all, Just trying to do a standard dec to hex conversion. I'm getting the output 6C6CC when the...
[3 replies] Last: One last quick question...If I change this to a void function, and the... (by leo255)
CalculatorTest & Calculator Project Dependency
Hello, I´m trying to get more familiar with cppunit, so i made an example Project for an Calcul...
[no replies]
Program could capture the data from a USB port
I need to design a program, which could record the data from an USB port. Could anyone give me some ...
[no replies]
Need Help with First Homework Assignment
Hello, I need some help, I'm using DEV C++ and trying to complete making my first program as my h...
[4 replies] Last: You're heading in the direction of arrays, since typing firstnum, seco... (by booradley60)
September 2014 Pages: 123... 51
  Archived months: [aug2014]

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