by T4l0n
resize array using pointers
[10 replies] Last: We understand what it is to be initialized. The point is that there i... (by Lowest0ne)
by kemeriya
Bubble sort algorithm
[1 reply] : For something like this it will probably finish in a matter of microse... (by giblit)
by hellworld136
Name of this function?
[no replies]
by newbiehelp
Please help me understand/fix this.
[1 reply] : This sounds like a job for a sorting algorithm the simplest one woul... (by Hertz)
by Psyduck
C++ Encountering Errors
[1 reply] : line 120 - you don't need the data types in front of the arguments sen... (by wildblue)
by Victor89
Counting lines from file and diplaying them in reverse order
[1 reply] : fout << s; // s=0, why? because std::istream.getline() uses the '\n'... (by Yanson)
by hellworld136
Flipping a matrix array
[3 replies] Last: For example, when count is 7 i and j are also both 7. Are they? Let... (by keskiverto)
by Nitrodev
Clear the output
[1 reply] : (by rafae11)
by mishappp
Simple math question.
[1 reply] : Do you understand the meaning of double and int in the above code... (by Chervil)
by ps8v9
Template syntax in Stroustrup's Tour
[1 reply] : Hmm. The discussion in the subsequent text implies that the template f... (by ps8v9)
by plp384
Why must I put ; before cout when using multi-way if-else statement
[7 replies] Last: @keskiverto I just looked at my textbook and it does not have a cond... (by plp384)
by Leon12020738
How do I initialize a string name for the description of an array?
[1 reply] : Use quotes for literal text. "Infantry" etc. (also global variables... (by Chervil)
evaluating an expression of signed and unsigned types |
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { unsigned int... (by JLBorges)
by Sh0Ti
Problem with deleting codes
[2 replies] Last: That solved my problem. Thank you, very much! (by Sh0Ti)
by Nielyboyken
rand() - From A to B
[4 replies] Last: @Lorence: That would cause a non-uniform distribution. 7 or 9 would be... (by NT3)
by evanpowers
Super nooby question
[3 replies] Last: thanks, that's all I needed (by evanpowers)
by Lorence30
[5 replies] Last: okay thank you (by Lorence30)
Unsolvable error |
[6 replies] Last: how do you issue the command to compiler I prefer GNU make (or bette... (by keskiverto)
by hellworld136
What is this function called?
[3 replies] Last: Small correction to line 8: std::cout<<foo(dat,7); (by ShodanHo)