Beginners - September 2014 (Page 2)

by Crogn
binary search
Iv been trying to write code for a binary search program but the below code keeps outputting 4 for r...
[1 reply] : You used assignment in line 27 instead of equal to . if(... (by shadowCODE)
by Ch1156
Ok so i've been practising on polymorhism and inheritance and I think I pretty much understand it al...
[no replies]
Do-while loop help. I need this real soon.
I need help on cout<< 4. I dont understand on how to make the computer choose the minimun of the thr...
[4 replies] Last: you need to to change line 37 to just else and you need this else if ... (by cory244)
User input string to text file
Hey guys. I'm trying to make a program that reads a string that is entered by a user, and outputs t...
[no replies]
logic question.
Simple question that i am not understanding fully I understand that int stores integers as whole num...
[3 replies] Last: There are a few more considerations to take into account: http://en.cp... (by Computergeek01)
storing matrix in a string
I want to store a matrix of order N*N in a single string and than print the print the string which w...
[no replies]
'Counter" in craps program
Hello. I have written a code to run a game of craps...i cant figure out how to run it 100,000 times ...
[2 replies] Last: I would put most of that code into its own function: Status PlayCrap... (by Stewbond)
Use case diagram and Class Diagram
Hi guys, I am trying to construct a Use Case Diagram. I have 3 actors and 4 Use cases: Three Acto...
[no replies]
How to find determinant of a matrix
How to find determinant of a matrix of order more than 2*2 , i found the code using recursive method...
[2 replies] Last: i is never incremented in the det(int , int) function, but it is use... (by Sharan123)
by wolfv
Which is the better programming style?
I am looking for some opinions on programming style. The following two example programs both run as...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you coder777 and JLBorges. The number of samples is a constant k... (by wolfv)
by CDavis
Text Parser problem
I have a code that I have to rewrite or rework and not really sure where to start I know I have to ...
[5 replies] Last: Wow I like that solution but other than text parser isn't there an eas... (by CDavis)
How to read int from file into size of the array?
I'm trying to read an integer from a file, and use it in an array. here's part of my code: st...
[3 replies] Last: I got some help, and found out that somehow I deleted the text file. I... (by wulffman)
by Miele
Input/output for array
Hey, So I've started learning C++ and I'm doing beginner excercises by Blitz Coder. One of them is...
[8 replies] Last: aye :) (by mutexe)
File input/output
Alright this is just a book exercise for my class and I can't figure out if I did this right or what...
[19 replies] Last: There are two ways of opening the files when dealing with C++ streams ... (by jlb)
breaking input into individual words
Write your question here. hi, i was wondering if this piece of code was correct or could be correct...
[1 reply] : istringstream_iterator → istream_iterator Other than that it cou... (by MiiNiPaa)
Please help....trying to learn C++
I am getting an internal and external error when I compile this program that I am trying to get to w...
[18 replies] Last: didnt you just notice? about missing double quote? lol (by kemort)
by Jhub
infinite loop problem
working on "ex 3" at bottom of code I am trying to write a coin toss program that uses rand() to co...
[12 replies] Last: Take it one step at a time. What is a double? How can a double store a... (by EssGeEich)
c++11 to c++98 conversion
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <list> #include<vector> using namespace std; int ...
[1 reply] : he uses mac and used some c++11 feature that i cant use (windows, ecl... (by keskiverto)
How can I set a decimal point in BETWEEN a number and not after it?
I wrote this program that will calculate the retail price of an item. So far I have the program work...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you stewbond, that was all I needed (by SomeAmazingGuy)
C++ and Excel VBA Arrays Dll
Hello Titans Of Programming ! What is the best way to pass a multidimensional array between Excel...
[4 replies] Last: This has to do with the visual basic memory management and other thing... (by coder777)
September 2014 Pages: 1234... 51
  Archived months: [aug2014]

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