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在头文件 <time.h> 中定义
目录 |
[编辑] 参数
time | - |
[编辑] 返回值
[编辑] 注释
日历时间的编码time_t是不确定的,但大多数系统符合POSIX specification和返回值的纪元以来的秒数的整数类型。实现time_t是一个32位有符号整数(许多历史实现)未能在2038年.
The encoding of calendar time in time_t is unspecified, but most systems conform to POSIX specification and return a value of integral type holding the number of seconds since the Epoch. Implementations in which time_t is a 32-bit signed integer (many historical implementations) fail in the year 2038.
[编辑] 示例
本章尚未完成 原因:暂无示例 |
[编辑] 另请参阅
因为时代的日历时间转换时间为本地时间表示 原文: converts time since epoch to calendar time expressed as local time (函数) | |
转换的时间,因为时代的日历时间为协调世界时表示 原文: converts time since epoch to calendar time expressed as Universal Coordinated Time (函数) | |
C++ documentation for time