User profile: vagnermaxi

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User name:vagnermaxi
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Bubble sort strings from a 2D array.
Hello, I have a project where I have to create a Bubble sort that will ask the user to input name...

Referencing a 2D array in order to sort strings
I am utterly confused on how to set up a function that references a 2D array and compares he strings...

How to put an end of string mark at the end of each line in an array?
Basically I am writing a program that will ask the user to input some names and then I will sort the...

Need help working on Game of Life program
I have this template that the professor provided. But i am stuck at figuring out how to get the user...

Need help with writing basic code to determine if input is a palindrom
I am trying what both of you recommended but i just keep getting false all the time. Is it maybe add...

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User: vagnermaxi

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