User profile: oleg9419

User info
User name:oleg9419
Number of posts:41
Latest posts:

First Steps
"Hello World", I am in 3rd Semester(1st half of 2nd year) studying Applied Informatics. I knew s...

First Steps for Student
"Hello World", I am in 3rd Semester(1st half of 2nd year) studying Applied Informatics. I knew s...

First Steps for Students
"Hello World", I am in 3rd Semester(1st half of 2nd year) studying Applied Informatics. I knew some...

Bubble sort keeps crashing
i < elements - 1 so you don't access "unavailable" memory array

Help with loop for Averaging
1 .yes 2. start a for(or while) loop from 1 to (user input); and check each value you get while goin...