User profile: Ndrewm

User info
User name:Ndrewm
Name:Christopher Martin
Bio:I'm 19 years old going to the field of information technology. I'm fun, energetic and love to make others laugh. anything else free feel to hot mi up guyz :-)
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Structures function
I see where thesethese solutions would work but I'm look for something that say in the statements be...

Structures function
I'm writing a function that compares two fraction. if the fractions are equal it returns 0. If the f...

Pseudocode Construct
Yea your input is fine i just transfer it to my format so please finish help me out and i code it to...

Pseudocode Construct
Look at my first post I did up to movie status n that's where it got complicated I jus like to get a...

Pseudocode Construct
That's for the login cant wait to see the rest of it.