User profile: metalmop

User info
User name:metalmop
Location:Miami, FL
Bio:15 years old
not exactly new to c++ but not a master of it either
Joined:Mar 16, 2008 at 2:25pm
Number of posts:21
Latest posts:

Configuring Code::Blocks/Eclipse for Allegro
hello, I'm having a hard time configuring Code::Blocks to work with Allegro under Linux. I also tr...

compiler linux(ubuntu)
i think an ide would work better for you it does for me but some people prefer text editors i us...

passage from Java to C++
this website has a great tutorial and is a very good reference, however, it isn't targeted at people...

Console Closing Down
whoa... what i meant to say was that for programming, and everything in general really, but especi...

errors in a do while loop with functions
thanks, but i managed to fix the problem a little bit now instead of asking if you need more help a...

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User: metalmop

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