User profile: keskiverto

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User name:keskiverto
Number of posts:3222
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elements in vector
Code Block is not a compiler, it is an IDE. The compiler included in it is most likely GCC. GCC de...

elements in vector
First, that [code]for (int x: vect) cout << x << " ";[/code] is a [i]range-based for[/i] syntax, whi...

Generate random numbers to fill an array
1. Do not remove older posts. That is rude. 2. Please use the code tags and sane indentation. They...

[solved] Creating header files with functions
[quote] I get a compile error[/quote] What error?

How can I make this code 2 dimentional array?
[quote]Sorry I just thought it might be old and no one reply to it[/quote] It was not terribly old y...

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User: keskiverto

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