User profile: firedraco

User info
User name:firedraco
Bio:Currently playing:
Persona 4: Arena (PS3), Diablo 3 (PS3)

Game Systems: PSX, PS2, PS2 (Japanese), PS3, Wii, PSP, DS Lite

PSN: RughSontos
Number of posts:6031
Latest posts:

Investment program
[quote]The first time into the loop the value of Lprinciple would be 1000. I don't quite know what t...

Investment program
Just look at lines 19-22 by themselves. Remember that each loop is completely independent of the oth...

Investment program
So between lines 19-23, when do you think age will reach 60?

Investment program
Explain to me what those for loops are doing in English. If you don't understand, then I suggest you...

Investment program
Try checking the conditions of your for loops on line 19/24. Can you see what the problem is there?