User profile: bs319

User info
User name:bs319
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Multidimensional Array
Thanks. Do you know how I can make another array but this time every value can only appear once?

Multidimensional Array with rand()
This is part 2 of an earlier post. I know how to create a 5x5 array. I am just having problems with...

Multidimensional Array
[code] void multiA(){ int size = 5; int num; int multiA[5][5]; srand( time( 0 ) ); for( int ro...

Multidimensional Array
Below is my first assignment with multidimensional arrays. I was able to create the 5x5 array with r...

Trying to remotely log in with windows computer
I did that but it still does not work. sorry I didn't know where to ask this question, I thought I ...