General C++ Programming (Page 2)

SQL Server
Hi I'm trying to find a way to create and amend a database using the SQL server. I have no idea h...
[1 reply] : You're trying to do this with C++ on a Microsoft platform? http://lmg... (by tmason)
Binary search tree find function
Once I create my binary search tree, there's a find function to find any number in the tree. Howeve...
[no replies]
binary search tree print function: Logic not clear-help
Hello. Pls explain to me 1) how come root node is printed when the first call to function goes t...
[2 replies] Last: The code looks fine to me. If the results aren't what you expect then ... (by dhayden)
how to check the if rectangle is a square or not?
[8 replies] Last: What kind of rectangle? Are you using a 2D graphic engine? Or is it ju... (by Funkist)
Sorting a float in a vector of objects
I've a vector of objects that I can get my float value from by accessing it through a method.It's no...
[6 replies] Last: If i already have a method that gets and returns the values, then i'l... (by MiiNiPaa)
Get value from String containing Variable Name?
As written in the title, I want to be able to extract a variable value from a string containing the ...
[4 replies] Last: You've misinterpreted the question. Back the front :) (by dominover)
[urgent]Priority Queue
I implement copy constructor for priority queue like this, is it right? PRIORITY_QUEUE<T>::PRI...
[1 reply] : Why maxSize+1? Otherwise ok, sort of . i don't know what heapif ... (by kbw)
Strange behaviour when comparing with zero
Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to learn about floating point representation in depth, so I pla...
[5 replies] Last: Hi guys, Thanks for the responses. I have to admit I was so impatient... (by noctilux)
GLSL frag shader error
After finally getting rid of linker errors from the last post (it was a 32/64 bit mismatch), I succe...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! Everything is working perfectly: Vertex shader... (by memberfunction)
by Argy
CPU/ RAM USAGE/ Temperature
Hi, i would like to ask you something. I want to make an application that will check CPU/RAM USAGE ...
[4 replies] Last: Memory usage -> GlobalMemoryStatusEx (by modoran)
by poteto
Code Review for a boost asio udp serialization attempt.
I just converted this serialization example:
[no replies]
by Pured
How to initialise my bool array?
Hello, I have a simple task I'm trying to do. I want to initialise an array and make every element ...
[2 replies] Last: I see. So arrays can't be done using vector sizes :( Thanks anyways. (by Pured)
Problem with Parse function
I have got a predefined parse function for reading the next line from an input file. I use it in a l...
[no replies]
assigning controls(just need an idea on what you all would do)
i am making a game which is a two player strategic battle turn based game..... The game will requ...
[2 replies] Last: its a turn based game.... but i don't the idea that opponents will use... (by programmer007)
New to sdl cant get it to work please help
Heres my code Sdl 1.2.15 //main// #include "SDL.h" int main(int argc, char* args ) { //Star...
[3 replies] Last: Never mind I mixed up the linker (by limitedaura)
by razzm8
i would be very apreciated if someone could help me to do a C++ & php HWID check for my login system...
[no replies]
by geomc
URGENT help needed. Thank you.
If anyone can help with this college "Order of Magnitude" problem I would greatly appreciate it. Ou...
[4 replies] Last: So what you are trying to do is figure out the efficiency of the progr... (by TheIdeasMan)
need help.
solution(int X, vector<int> &A) { int eq = 0, neq = 0; for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)...
[no replies]
by Masada
Copy and Overloading constructors
I figured this is the best place for this type of issue. I don't understand how to implement these f...
[no replies]
WHILE Loop Error / instreaming data file (w/functions)
I have a working lab project with a loop error. Code posted in second post. Here's the requirements:...
[2 replies] Last: Information from data file that will be read from "employeeData.dat" ... (by dontmakeascene320)
Pages: 1234... 42
  Archived months: [sep2014]

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