assigning controls(just need an idea on what you all would do)

i am making a game which is a two player strategic battle turn based game.....

The game will require each player to choose a attack. What would be the best key configuration for set of four attack


player 1: 1,2,3,4;
player 2: 7,8,9,0;
where 1&7 are for kick 2&8 are for punch etc.....


player 1: q,w,e,r;
player 2: u,i,o,p;

any other great suggestions???
It's turn based game. So show "Player1 turn" or "Player2 turn" and use same keys.
If it's real time game so use "QWE ASD ZXC" vs "UIO JKL M<>" or network.
its a turn based game.... but i don't the idea that opponents will use same keys.
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