Beginners (Page 2)

by goldyn
I am so lost....
So I have an assignment for my c++ computer class. I've tried for quite a while on it and I am compl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much (by goldyn)
how to store ONLY the 8th column of this txt file
I would like to know the most elegant way to store only the 8th line of this this text file. I a...
[1 reply] : (by mobotus)
Add Movable Player to Map (1,2)
I have just created a 15 x 20 map using a 2D-array. I am trying to add a movable player, but I can't...
[32 replies] Last: Funkist posted: Here's a nice and explicit tutorial: http://www.yout... (by Esslercuffi)
how to make a priority queue/min heap
im working on a program and what i have to do is pass in process time of jobs into a priority queue ...
[9 replies] Last: @danghotties Ok now it's starting to make more sense ima go try it se... (by andrewthecoder)
Array Class
Hello, I am doing an Array of object type, but I need some help because I want to create a construct...
[1 reply] : What is line 14 all about ? It looks like a default constructor but y... (by soranz)
help with storing values and returning two different statements based on how much info was stored.
i have a two part question for my computer programming class, the first part i already completed, i ...
[2 replies] Last: i basically have to take the first program and add a return function t... (by idknuttin)
Simplifying switch cases
The code below is a section of the switch statement that I want to simplify. Between comment (1), yo...
[2 replies] Last: Solution using custom character table: #include <iostream> #include <s... (by MiiNiPaa)
by usr101
How to properly return an array of objects in c++ and use it main?
Hi, first time here and I have a question after searching a lot of places including here. In my code...
[2 replies] Last: First, I have limited experience with object oriented design and progr... (by pheininger)
Problem in adding even-valued fibonacci numbers
I've written the following program..but it prints a garbage value. Why? #include <iostream> #...
[2 replies] Last: The calculated sum is out of range for int and unsigned int in just ab... (by Cody0023)
C points forming a rectangle
I have this piece of code for finding out whether 4 x,y coordinates make a rectangle which works per...
[1 reply] : It sounds like you're defining "correct" order as counter-clockwise st... (by dhayden)
Program to evaluate sin(x) using Taylor series expansion
I run the below given program for finding sin(x) using taylor's sries expansion. but for large value...
[3 replies] Last: The problem is that floating point numbers aren't exact. Using more di... (by dhayden)
Struggling with Day of the Year Program
My assignment is to "write a class named DayOfYear that takes an integer representing a day of th...
[12 replies] Last: You da man mobotus! Thanks to all for the help, couldn't have done it... (by blairtch)
Problem with reading integers from .txt-file to array
I'm working on two programs. The first generates a maze and saves the maze in a .txt-file. The maze ...
[2 replies] Last: @ Aceix: Thanks for your tip. But how can I implement the seekg() func... (by BeKinect)
Machine Code?
I read that compilers convert the high level language source code into machine code written in 1s an...
[5 replies] Last: The following program: #include <iostream> int main(void) { std::co... (by pheininger)
by Akula
expected Unqualified id error
not 100% sure what's going wrong or why it's stating the "expected unqaulfied id before 'int' the er...
[9 replies] Last: The issues i was having with this segment of the program have been wor... (by Akula)
Confusion while using pointer & string
How the following statements actually working? #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: char *p = "i am a string"; "i am a string" is an array of 14 char ... (by Peter87)
Modify a string
Hi, i have a file like this (akagi.txt): 0.000 0.175 4 L 0.394 0.404 1 R 0.450 0.500 5 L...
[3 replies] Last: @il dottore Here's one way to do it. Instead of hard-coding the chec... (by whitenite1)
by leelee
not understanding errors
[4 replies] Last: Please do not remove your posts after getting an answer. Original post... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help in char array
Why the length of array y isn't 27? #include <iostream> #include "util.h" // display() #include "...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, maybe YokoTsuno is right, so I've changed my code to this and now... (by WilliamLycan)
Pages: 1234... 76
  Archived months: [sep2014]

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