Windows Programming - September 2014 (Page 4)

by lmsmi1
Multiple Definitions
I've come up with a sample code that works great with SFML 2.1, but when I add a string of text, spe...
[1 reply] : How are you linking to SFML? You may be getting multiple definitions f... (by LB)
how to solve this programming problem ?
I have to solve this programming exercise and I don't know how to do it. Write a program to r...
[1 reply] : On line 11, you currently have: chain += word; Just change it to: ... (by LB)
DPID - Where to import
Hello everybody. I just can't find where to import DPID anywhere :( Maybe it is a CDX or DirectX th...
[no replies]
[Win 8] dplay.h is missing.
Hi, fellow coders! I just started with CDX and DirectX coding, but I get this "dplay.h is missing" e...
[10 replies] Last: - Locate every instance of "#include" in your source code. - Open al... (by LEGOlord208)
by sambos
Reading lines of text
Hi, I've asked a similar question to this before but I'm still having trouble. Suspose I have a t...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, I believe this works now... And I hope this helps someone out t... (by sambos)
C++ update check
Hello, i am wondering how to return data from my PHP script to my C++ program. Thanks in forward. T...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry, but i cant include, and i didnt saw that example. So i guess my... (by ArsenArsen)
PE executable packer
I want to code a very simple pe executable packer as a learning exercise though I'm not sure how to ...
[2 replies] Last: UPX is an open-source and well known library for exactly this purpose:... (by modoran)
Create Application: On-Off Mouse-Keyboard By Microphone Sound Level
Hallo, I need to make in practice a application running in WIN7. This application must read conti...
[2 replies] Last: Yes. I try 9 months to change their old aptitudes in manipulating the ... (by tanidani)
Wish to Convert Oracle to MySQL/MSSQL with Zero Difficulty?
Hello members! I’ve to convert Oracle to MySQL or MSSQL more often than not. However, the problem ...
[1 reply] : You could use an ORM (like ODB) and let it do the conversion for you. (by kbw)
by mrm40
merge sort problem
Hi, I'm programming a mergesort algorithm, there is a problem which i cant figure it out, Here is ...
[1 reply] : 1. You need to look at your merge ranges. 2. Why is that q global? It... (by kbw)
Programming Challenge
Hi guys, i want to challenge my logic thinking by creating hard program, can you give me a sample of...
[4 replies] Last: thanks.. (by CodeSlayer)
September 2014 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [aug2014]

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