by SixTsevN
Device Contexts, Bitmaps and WM_SIZE
[2 replies] Last: So changing the size of a window doesn't make the device context any l... (by SixTsevN)
by SixTsevN
WM_MOUSEMOVE; mouse moves one axis at a time?
[1 reply] : Is this true? No. (by Disch)
by Cube777
Help depolying application written in VS
[no replies]
by Alexplusplus
How do Windows Print Processes Work?
[1 reply] : This may be a good place to start... (by Grey Wolf)
by novellof
Visual C++ with .NET
[3 replies] Last: Writing games has never really interested me so I can't comment on the... (by Grey Wolf)
by novellof
Proper Windows Programming Design
[13 replies] Last: Wow thank you guys so much for these responses! And thank you freddie!... (by novellof)
by tec23
Win32 WM_CUT and WM_COPY
[no replies]
by yaaz32
[1 reply] : int sum = 0; for each (auto item in listVotes->Items) { ... (by yaaz32)