UNIX/Linux Programming (Page 2)

Alternating Between Parent and Child -Pipes
Hi, I need to write a program that alternates between parent and child, which the child printing fir...
[1 reply] : Calling srand() in a loop? You only need to call it once per process.... (by kbw)
by Chubby
need help with makefile
I am try to make a makefile. but didnt work i type touch makefile ---> makefile create ----> in th...
[4 replies] Last: There are a number of problems. The target is an executable, not a .c... (by kbw)
Printing all filenames and number of lines/words
Hi, I'm trying to print all the name of the files in the working directory as well as the number of ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, I'm trying to print all the name of the files in the working dire... (by kbw)
Running shell commands...?
I can run a shell command with: #include <iostream> #include <iostream> #include <stdi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I'm rather upset at myslef for not catching such a simple m... (by jadedfs)
Makefile that gives two .exe
Hey everyone, I'm trying to do a makefile that spits out two .exe. The files that I have are stack.h...
[1 reply] : PROG1 = prog1 PROG1_SRCS = teststack.cpp PROG2 = prog2 PROG2_SRCS = ... (by kbw)
Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2014]

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