Lounge (Page 2)

I have been looking at the COBOL language and have quite a few questions. 1. What the heck doe...
[10 replies] Last: COBOL was designed to run batch programs where data was held in magnet... (by kbw)
by anely
C++ Please Help
2. Write a program to act as a Russian Peasant Multiplication Calculator. This program should allow ...
[3 replies] Last: This should go under the Beginners section, I think you can edit the t... (by EssGeEich)
by lasote
Biicode as c++ dependency manager
If anyone is interested in a modern-cloud way to manage the c++ dependencies of his project I recomm...
[4 replies] Last: This actually looks really cool. Reminds me a lot of Gradle or Maven. ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by helios
What's the name of that property...?
...where if B is-an A, then List<B> is-a List<A>?
[4 replies] Last: Covariance, that's the one. Thanks. (by helios)
An interesting optimization that really does make a difference
I know for some that this will seem obvious, but I wanted to share something that I found quite surp...
[10 replies] Last: The only time that should make a difference is if your tiles hold more... (by LB)
Failing Searches on the site?
Hey guys, For some reason, at around 7 pm (central time) almost everyday, I constantly get failed...
[2 replies] Last: You're probably right, I guess. It just struck me as weird because I'd... (by geniusberry)
What's the name of a program that help you with "other stuff"?
I mean: (Example) I downloaded exceltocsv.exe . When I making my lovely thousand lines of code, I ...
[5 replies] Last: @coder777 Not only this case, but like "sendemail.exe yahoo_smtp addre... (by iQChange)
How you doing my lovelies? been learning other languages so I been away and miss you, wheres your heads at these days?
I miss you guys, been a bit busy and I have a free day to sit and code, I just want to know who's on...
[3 replies] Last: Still here! Come hangout at out irc.quakenet.org #cplusplus I'm worki... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by LB
Cloud terminals!?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BukjPONmO1w I am blown away. Thoughts?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for sharing ! I've been looking for something like this. (by a k n)
Who is Duoas?
Who is Duoas? I have seen his posts and I always see people reference him and even saw his engagemen...
[1 reply] : The only staff member is twicker. The rest of us are just enthusiast C... (by LB)
by LB
What all can you do with shaders in OpenGL?
What does this mean? https://twitter.com/TheMogMiner/status/515479546439950336 I know shaders ar...
[18 replies] Last: @Disch Glad to see that openGL guide is still spreading, seriously one... (by BlackSheep)
Hi, I am fairly new to c++. I have been 'trying' to learn c++ for quite some time now. I am using C...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks again, I think I'll switch to C++ Primer. @ResidentBiscuit - I... (by jub4jive)
by plexus
Software by Scott Meyers
Does anyone know where to find some or at least one bigger program written by Scott Meyers. Since h...
[2 replies] Last: I suspected that most of the sourcecode is not available to the public... (by plexus)
by LB
main is not a function (1,2)
When this program is compiled, how many functions will there be? void f(){} int g(); int main(...
[21 replies] Last: It's called, passed parameters, has a call stack, and returns to the c... (by htirwin)
How much maths do I need for C++?
As the heading states, what are the crucial maths concepts I have to learn and perfect if I want to ...
[16 replies] Last: Ah, I didn't realize were were talking powers of 2. (by LB)
How to become a Game developer?
How to become a game developer? What degrees should i have, what courses should i take up and what s...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks, I think I have all my questions answered (by thehitmanranjan)
Next Generation if statements?
I was chatting with this user Eelis (in case you aren't familiar with his work: http://open-std.org/...
[2 replies] Last: This is nice, I like to declare variables inside the conditional but i... (by LB)
which is better BA or BS in computer science?
which is better BA or BS in computer science?. I love maths, not Physics and chemistry. In BS i have...
[4 replies] Last: Depends entirely on what field you get into. (by ResidentBiscuit)
SPARC Assembly
Anyone know much about assembly code? I need to write a program to do this: main () { int c , a; ...
[1 reply] : .begin .org 2048 ! for (a=0; a<5; main: ld , %r2 ! load a into regis... (by ccwtree11)
Help me bring my C++ quiz to life by submitting your own question! More info inside!
Hello! I'm visiting different C++ communities for the purpose of gathering questions for my C++ web...
[2 replies] Last: You don't have to provide a twitter account, but if you do it will be ... (by gouartzo)
Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [sep2014]

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