Google chrome spy's on you

Pages: 12
I just heard that chrome gives your info to government and Firefox don't..
Is it true?
check the source code
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Chrome isn't open source.
He means Firefox.

I was thinking the same thing and was about to post it, but then I realized what he meant.
Just run wireshark while surfing.
All firms have been giving data to the NSA and such, wonder what a government could do with data on everyone's behavior other than stop people from being frightened of terrorism.
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I guess France has been doing the same thing...
Well, this is news to me (Google Chrome user) but I heard there's a search engine called Startpage that uses proxy ip addresses to avoid you being tracked
But Chromium is, and AFAIK there's no functional difference between the two - may as well just use Chromium.
This should not scare the innocent, of course the FBI and NSA will not really care if you are downloading few Pirated movies or such, although it is illegal it is nothing compared to the the International Crime such as Human Trafficking.

As far I am bothered NSA probably will not arrest wrong person even because these operations are under classified material and the suspects are researched in detail.

Intelligence agencies around the world can gain everything from personal matters to Digital-Data within few days or even few hours. If truly a suspect you will never even know. They are the most intelligent people on the earth.

This is really not the big news as I always use a VPN and a Proxy and I always knew\guessed that someone was always watching us.

I guess PRISM is the largest Surveillance program which has been foiled.

American Government is going good for us and we are not trusting them, because they are stopping attacks which could probably kill dozens and hundreds. It is already said they stopped few major intial attack plans therefore PRISM did save few thousand lives until now thus, what they are doing is right.

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SpaceWorm wrote:
They are the most intelligent people on the earth.

Thanks for the laugh.
Well it may sound stupid but must say it is true some of the Spies can have IQ from up to 160 (Einstein IQ grade level) to 180 (Very High Better than most intelligent people) Read it somewhere.
Cant remember though.

Trashmen can have high IQs. Does that mean all of trashmen are the smartest people on this planet?

EDIT, nothing against trashmen. They are an integral part of society. Just likely not the most mentally intensive job out there.
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can u list a few programs for linux ubuntu to hide urself behinda proxy/vpn
Sorry, at the moment I am on my Phone therefore it would take too long to list them , but just type in setting a VPN\ proxy on favorite Search Engine although majority of the videos are for Windows , I do guess there are few Linux Ubuntu dedicated videos as well.

k thanks
American Government is going good for us and we are not trusting them, because they are stopping attacks which could probably kill dozens and hundreds. It is already said they stopped few major intial attack plans therefore PRISM did save few thousand lives until now thus, what they are doing is right.


Ha ha!
yea true
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I dont believe the governments is really interested in protecting people from terrorism, otherwise they wouldn't be spying on German embassies and such,

they are just looking for people to leverage, and before you tell me its a fuknut conspiracy theory I will tell you we been doing for centuries.

The NSA isn't stopping attacks its collecting data for social control, controlling terrorist attacks sure, but at a huge cost to freedom, plus some two bit charity with half the NSA's money could save a thousand more american lives a year.

The world is on a downturn and everyone is going to have to accept harsher living standards to hold up the 1% lifestyle, and theres going to be a lot of chaos and riots our police are terrified of riots and want to curb any kind of demonstration, look at the riots pooping up all over the world

Americas great liberties and freedoms could be completely taken away in a matter of decades and americans will be happy about it and will attack anyone who tries to tell them whats happening.

social control is happening, if you ever follow good sources on a story like snowden and then look at how the media twists the same story for the majority of stupids, then listen to their arguments and see how well their anger has been twisted.
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Just because the government are looking checking for threatening things on the internet doesn't mean they are going to take away all your rights and you're gonna live under a dictatorship.

If that was true, I'm sure soliders wouldn't be in the army.
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