New wanting to learn

Hey im new and want to learn C++
What would you say the best method to learning is?
Because im struggling here
should i look at the code write it in notepad over and over?
what method can i use to learn practise?
Really stuck

The only way to learn a programming language (especially if you have never programmed before) is to actually write code and run it wether it be in an IDE or however... I prefer using an IDE where i can write the code and run it all at once
Get a book or find a good tutorial website ( and follow along and as you learn one section start coding with what you have learned and once you feel you have the hang of it then move on to next section and repeat.. if you have any questions post on here :)
But what do i do when i start should i write what i see run it
then do the same task over and over?
or do i do one part then move onto the next?
my first time learn about c++ by myself is find some basic in the web then try its example, when I fully understand about what I've been learn, I'm trying to write my own code wthout see the example, based on anything that pop up in my mind. After make a few program then I move to the next step, and do the same thng again
Maybe you can try it ._.
Well, actually yes... writeing code over and over will help.

When I was first learning I must have wrote the 'hello world' program at least a dozen times. Now I have the basic steps to starting a program memorized.

From there you just reference a codeing book on different features you want to use, and save all old code. I can't tell you how many times I look back at old code for reference, or flat out reuse it. Even just today I went back to some old code to see the right way to pass an array into a function, and if you ask me right now how to do it, I would say, "Hold on let me look it up again." :)

Try to organize your codes so that you can quickly reference stuff for example you might have a code labeled "vectorExample.cpp".
So would you recommend writing code in a notepad and going back to it?
Notepad can open .cpp files so yes I keep all my .cpp files and .h files.

When I compile code it is usally to see it work and go "cool". Then I delete the .exe files and just hang on to the .cpp and .h files.

The IDE I use is VS2013 but that is just my preference, and there are a lot of good ones out there.
Okay thank you all for the help
but when im learning sould i write the code in notepad as in like this

#include <iostream> // this uses the c++ libary etc

For basics? Because it's guna be alot to take in.
What would be a good way to learn
Writing it in notpad over and over and compiling it?
If you're using windows (which I'm guessing you are since you're using notepad), then I'd recommend getting Visual Studio Express. It's free, and one of the best development environments around. I'd get the 'Express 2013 for windows desktop' version from:

Having a good development environment can help shield you from a bunch of the minutia involved behind the scenes and let you focus on learning how to program. VS Express (and any other IDE for that matter) has a built in editor, so you don't need to use notepad or any other external programs.
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