How to: Put code into your postings

When posting code in your question or answer; displaying the code in a nicely formatted manner helps all those involved in the tread to quickly understand the code.

To do this; follow one of these methods:

Method one:
In the edit window move the cursor to the position where you want to place the code.
Click the ‘#’ button (on the right of the edit window).
Back in the edit window, move the cursor to the position between the opening and closing code tags.
Then type or cut and paste your code.

Method two
In the edit window type or cut and pates your code.
Highlight all the code and then click the ‘#’ button (on the right of the edit window).

Method three
There is also the plain old fashioned way of typing [c0de] before your code and [/c0de] at the end. NB. use the correct spelling for code.
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