• Articles


Date Score
iconSorting Algorithms by closed account S6k9GNh0
Categories: Algorithms
Jun 7, 2010
Updated: Jun 8, 2010
3.2/5 (53 votes)
icongenerate any possible password in lowercase alpha by ubaidcybercrawler
Categories: Algorithms
Jun 22, 2010*****
2.7/5 (26 votes)
iconuse new to allocate a structure array by odirtyredo
Categories: Language Features
Jul 21, 2010*****
1.6/5 (27 votes)
iconCleaner code by Kyon
Categories: Tips and Tricks, How-To
Jul 21, 2010
Updated: Aug 6, 2011
3.8/5 (59 votes)
iconThe Console is a Terrible Medium for Games by DischSep 14, 2010
Updated: Sep 14, 2010
4.2/5 (220 votes)
iconDebugging Your Program by Thumper
Categories: Tips and Tricks
Sep 19, 2010*****
3.3/5 (25 votes)
iconWhen to use what language and why by SeraphimsanOct 13, 2010
Updated: Oct 14, 2010
3.3/5 (116 votes)
iconWhy we are a bunch of tough lovers. by Albatross
Categories: Tips and Tricks
Nov 3, 2010
Updated: Jun 22, 2011
4.2/5 (42 votes)
iconHow to google by closed account S6k9GNh0
Categories: How-To
Nov 4, 2010
Updated: Nov 4, 2010
3.1/5 (139 votes)
iconHow to choose the correct section to post in by closed account S6k9GNh0
Categories: Tips and Tricks
Nov 15, 2010
Updated: Feb 4, 2013
3.5/5 (14 votes)
iconPowerful Console in Windows/VC++ (Color, Cursor, ...) by Masoud
Categories: Windows API
Feb 22, 2011
Updated: Feb 22, 2011
3.9/5 (50 votes)
iconWhy we've deprecated Bloodshed Dev-C++. by AlbatrossFeb 22, 2011
Updated: Jan 2, 2014
4.4/5 (148 votes)
iconSimple XOR encryption by ultifinitus
Categories: Algorithms
Mar 13, 2011
Updated: Mar 13, 2011
3.9/5 (160 votes)
iconMoving along lines by sargon94
Categories: Algorithms
Mar 13, 2011
Updated: Mar 13, 2011
3.4/5 (33 votes)
icon"How to Ask Questions": Itemized thread/rehash by Disch
Categories: How-To
Apr 4, 2011*****
4.2/5 (13 votes)
iconWhy you should NOT delete your posts after getting an answer. by Albatross
Categories: Tips and Tricks
Apr 6, 2011
Updated: Apr 6, 2011
4.4/5 (74 votes)
iconSearching And Sorting by jason9
Categories: Algorithms
Apr 13, 2011*****
3.8/5 (121 votes)
iconLinked List Template and Binary Search Tree by jason9
Categories: Algorithms
Apr 13, 2011*****
4.1/5 (111 votes)
iconRounding Algorithms - Discussion by Duoas
Categories: Algorithms
Apr 15, 2011*****
3.4/5 (57 votes)
iconHow to Make a Game by ModShopMay 16, 2011
Updated: Jul 19, 2011
4.2/5 (854 votes)
Pages: 123456... 10


AlgorithmsAlgorithms and formulas for specific purposes
C++ 11The new C++ standard
Graphics and multimediaIncluding DirectX, OpenGL, ...
How-ToGuided sets of instructions on a particular topic
Language FeaturesSpecific C++ language features
Unix/Linux programmingFor all UN*X platforms
Source Code
Standard LibraryC++ standard library
Tips and TricksProgramming tips
Tools and LibrariesCompilers, IDEs, debuggers, proprietary libraries...
Visual C++Including MFC, ATL, C++/CLI, ...
Windows APIProgramming Windows using its API